How to add  blogger recent post  widget / Blogger me recent post kaise show kare

To add a "Recent Posts" widget to your Blogger blog, you can use either the built-in "Recent Posts" gadget provided by Blogger or create a custom widget using HTML and JavaScript. Below are the steps for both methods:

Method 1: Using Blogger's Built-In "Recent Posts" Gadget

  1. Sign in to Blogger:
    • Go to Blogger and sign in to your account.
  2. Go to Your Blog's Layout:
    • In the Blogger dashboard, select the blog you want to customize.
    • Click on "Layout" from the left sidebar.
  3. Add a Gadget:
    • In the Layout section, find the area where you want to add the Recent Posts widget (such as the sidebar or footer).
    • Click on the "Add a Gadget" link in that section.
  4. Select "Recent Posts":
    • A popup window will appear with a list of available gadgets.
    • Find and click on the "Recent Posts" gadget.
  5. Configure the Gadget:
    • You can customize the title and how many posts to show.
    • Click "Save" to add the gadget to your layout.
  6. Save Layout:
    • After adding the gadget, click on the "Save arrangement" button in the Layout section to apply the changes.

Method 2: Creating a Custom "Recent Posts" Widget with HTML/JavaScript

  1. Sign in to Blogger:
    • Go to Blogger and sign in to your account.
  2. Go to Your Blog's Layout:
    • In the Blogger dashboard, select the blog you want to customize.
    • Click on "Layout" from the left sidebar.
  3. Add a Gadget:
    • In the Layout section, find the area where you want to add the custom Recent Posts widget (such as the sidebar or footer).
    • Click on the "Add a Gadget" link in that section.
  4. Select "HTML/JavaScript":
    • A popup window will appear with a list of available gadgets.
    • Find and click on "HTML/JavaScript."
  5. Insert Custom Code:
    • In the "Content" box, paste the following code. This example includes a simple script to fetch and display recent posts from your blog’s feed:


                            HTML Code-Click Here

1.      Replace yourblogname with the actual name of your blog.

2.      Save the Gadget:

    • Give the gadget a title (e.g., "Recent Posts") and click "Save."

3.      Save Layout:

    • After adding the gadget, click on the "Save arrangement" button in the Layout section to apply the changes.


  • Method 1: Use Blogger's built-in gadget for a quick setup.
  • Method 2: Add a custom HTML/JavaScript gadget for more control and customization.

Choose the method that best fits your needs and preferences.